La Journée mondiale de l'obésité est une journée d'action unifiée qui appelle à une réponse cohérente et intersectorielle à la crise de l'obésité. Elle a lieu le 4 mars et est organisée par la Fédération mondiale de l'obésité en collaboration avec ses membres internationaux.
Des centaines de personnes, d'organisations et d'alliances contribuent chaque année à la Journée mondiale de l'obésité, mobilisant des centaines de milliers de personnes dans le monde entier.
Previous World Obesity Days have encouraged people to recognise the root causes of obesity, increase knowledge of the disease, tackle weight stigma, foreground the voices of people with lived experience and act to improve the world’s understanding, prevention and treatment of obesity.
This year's campaign theme is 'Let's Talk About Obesity And...'. We want to leverage the power of World Obesity Day to start cross-cutting conversations. Looking at health, youth and the world around us to see how we can address obesity together. This World Obesity Day, let's share knowledge, advocate together, and see obesity from a different perspective.
You can find out more about World Obesity Day and read about previous campaigns on the World Obesity website.
World Obesity Day Global Advisory Group
Since 2021, World Obesity has worked with a Global Advisory Group to design, refine, and deliver the World Obesity Day campaigns and ensure they are globally representative and inclusive. We would like to thank the following organisations for their invaluable input into the 2024 campaign as advisory group members: CAMMYN; Dasman Institute; EASO; ECPO; Health Consumers’ Council of WA; Healthy Caribbean Coalition; Obesity Action Coalition; Obesity Canada; Obesity Prevention and Control Society of the Chinese Nutrition Society (OPCS-CNS); Singapore Association for the Study of Obesity (SASO); Stowelink; The Obesity Society; World Heart Foundation; Obesity Action; Malaysian Association for the Study of Obesity; Hong Kong Association for the Study of Obesity (HKASO); Ezintsha; NGO Obesidade Brasil; Dasman Diabetes Institute; United World Against Diabetes; BeActive Foundation Ghana; Wolfson Institue of Population Health; Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Service (CBCHS).
If you would like to be part of the advisory group and represent part of the world or sector not already involved, please get in touch.